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How to Shorten Your Argumentatives

You will hear people arguing about something in which they feel either completely or somewhat wrong. Such are the cases when someone is specifically asking you to argue their point of view/ opinion. However, it is important to note that sometimes it is not entirely straightforward.

 Somebody may be instructed to say only one side of the topic, and in most instances, both sides might be balanced. To avoid getting skewed perspectives, always bear in mind that the first person's perspective is usually right and ought to be reinforced. By advancing your mindset, you will then be inclined to the opposite viewpoint and begin bringing out the contrary views, especially if the issue is relativity.

The ideal way to approach a short argumentative essay is by utilizing a strategy that includes:

  • Compiling all arguments in a singular paragraph
  • Outlining the key concepts in a particular sentence
  • Using sub-points to support an idea
  • Researching the relevant sources
  • Only after conducting extensive research do I come across a convincing stance

  • What is Long?

    Long essays generally comprise of around 300 words. It can be anything from a few paragraphs to several pages. Think of it as a test for a long debate. The longer the paper, the more complicated it becomes. A significant number of readers will probably consider it to be amongst the tedious papers.

    Simple Oppositions

    To counter any points, whether positive, negative, nor objective, you must ensure that each position is expressed briefly. Once done, remind the reader of the thesis statement and go into a detailed explanation. The weaker positions should be parodied. 


    Your entire essay ought to be structured in a specific format. To gain the attentiveness of a concerned reviewer, promptly correlate every fact in the briefest manner possible. If presenting a precise alternative version of the information, be sure to cite and reference appropriately. Every audience is usually selective to a certain type of information. Therefore, being concise is of the utmost benefit to the writer essay writing service.


    Imagine yourself saying, "there are four weekends in the year" - a perfect time to rant loudly whenever the mood is correct. Naturally, it is guaranteed that such an expression will help boost our confidence. Showcase the pertinent significance of the message in that moment.

    Personal Opinions

    A corporation that encourages individuals to hold thoughtful discussion regarding a matter does not provide legal opinions. They instead focus on discussing the thoughts and viewpoints of an individual.